by natchaitkin | Jan 18, 2017 | Uncategorized

Playing chamber music is the most satisfying kind of music-making – it’s a great conversation with notes instead of words. Working in groups also brings people closer together. The picture above is a nice example, as Marie helps Tara with her bowhold.
Yesterday, in the afterschool program, we began helping the kids learn to play in small groups by themselves. We’ve been laying the groundwork by playing simple tunes in larger groups led by our fearless leaders, Angela Carota and Trista Emmons, and now we’re encouraging the kids to try it out on their own.
In my cello lessons yesterday, I had the students come in so their lessons overlapped in the middle – everyone got their own time, but we also could play trios. Rather than counting off or conducting, I taught them how to lead the beginning of a piece with a simple sniff. Anyone who’s sat up close at a chamber music concert may have heard these cues, as the players in the group indicate not just when, but how to play by the way they breathe.
In no time, the kids had it down, and we tried several versions of the song we were playing, with them choosing new tempos each time, informing the others of the new speed only through their sniff. I think they enjoyed it, and they learned a new lesson in communication, too.
At the end of the day, we heard some of the duets that the kids had worked on – let’s close with one of them. And coming tomorrow, Part 2 – a followup post about some very different music, but a conversation just the same.
Help us keep the conversation going, by making a donation to our education program!
by natchaitkin | Jan 10, 2017 | Uncategorized
Today’s video is a reminder of how simple classical music really is. To understand it, you only need to know one thing – that Bach had 20 children. That’s all there is to it. In the Courante from the G major Suite, Bach gives us a musical conversation that any parent will recognize, and he must have had all the time. To learn more, watch the video below! And if you like it, please consider supporting 4-Way’s free lessons program for underserved children with a donation by clicking on the Donate button below the video.
Thanks for watching – and be sure to tune in next week for a very different kind of piece – the G major Sarabande, the Baroque era’s equivalent of “Dirty Dancing.” See you then!
by natchaitkin | Jan 4, 2017 | Uncategorized
Yesterday, 4-Way began our education program! After a quick snack, we started playing. Led by our amazing violin teacher, Trista Emmons, by the end of the afternoon we had the kids playing simple duets together, and had some pretty impressive bowholds to show off, too!

We ended the afternoon with some “body percussion”, led by Woodford’s awesome music teacher, Angela Carota – here’s a snippet:
It was a great way to start the program, and the new year – I can’t wait till next Tuesday!
A special thank you to all our donors – we couldn’t do this without you! If you’d like to help support the program, please click the button below.
Thanks – more soon!
by natchaitkin | Dec 7, 2016 | Uncategorized
Today, part 2 of my new video series on the Bach solo cello suites, featuring the G major Allemande. After Bach’s relentless use of one motif in the famous Prelude, he shifts gears completely and uses several different ideas, going from one to the next very quickly. There’s something of Bach the family man in all his pieces, and this one’s no exception – you’ll see what I mean. Bach also shows that his influence goes beyond music to 20th Century American tv dramas – this piece contains what I call the “Columbo effect”. If you like the video, please click on the donate button below to support 4-Way’s education program – thanks!

Till next time (and the Courante),
by natchaitkin | Nov 29, 2016 | Uncategorized
For a long time, I’ve wanted to share my take on the Bach cello suites with a wider audience, so I’ve decided to make a series of videos – each one will cover one movement. No better place to start than the beginning, with the most famous of Bach’s pieces for solo cello, the Prelude to the G major Suite. I hope you like the video and that the music brings you the same joy it brings me. In exchange, I’m asking you to consider supporting something else I care deeply about.
Many of you know I have also started a non-profit string quartet, 4-Way, and we’re raising funds for our free education program. So, especially because it’s Giving Tuesday, please think about making a tax-deductible donation if you like the video. Please post your comments, and share this with your online community!

Till next time (and the G major Allemande!),